Training Made Better, For You.



SHIFT Formula

It’s simple really, we provide a simple to follow, structured plan, designed for the year round athlete who is ready to suffer, hustle, train inspired, and dial in the mental focus, all with a community of support behind them as they reach new heights!

Scientific + Skill-Based + a willingness to Suffer

Holistic + Healthy + you bring the Hustle

Intentful + Innovative + train Inspired

Feasible + Functional + mental Focus

Team + Technology + a sense of Togetherness

“It never gets easier, you just go faster” -G. Lemond

Athlete Testimonial

“Toni and Chad’s coordinated approach to training and nutrition has yielded measurable results for me in a short period of time. Toni’s meal plans are easy to follow and have absolutely helped me surpass my initial weight loss goals - Chad’s workouts are equally as effective - the workouts are easy to understand and follow - in a matter of 6 weeks Chad has found the line he can push me to get results I am after. Aside from being truly effective coach’s Toni and Chad are both great humans and are super engaged and responsive to my questions. Shift Endurance provides massive value in the fitness and performance coaching space”


The Process

SHIFT Endurance is all about making your time count. Focused, skill-based, structured workouts that are custom designed for you to get more done in less time. Process driven to keep you engaged, motivated and evolving your fitness year round.

+ Commit- Let’s move boundaries.

+ Test- Identify strengths & weaknesses.

+ Execute- Stop logging miles and start training.

+ Results- Measurable, attainable, & rapid.
